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14th Mar 2016

This new Instagram improvement makes keeping up-to-date so much easier

About time.

Matt Tate

Instagrammers everywhere rejoice. You can now figure out when a picture was posted without having to count back weeks on your fingers.

The latest update adds a small but decidedly useful feature to the photo-sharing app, regarding the time stamp below the comments.

In the past, users were informed of how many weeks ago a picture had been uploaded, but annoyingly there was no date.

That has now changed. The new update, which is quietly being rolled out now, will note how many days ago a picture posted, and if it is older than a week it will list the date. As you’ll see in the examples we’ve included below, the date appears under the comments on the picture.

JOE Insta 2

JOE Insta 1

JOE Insta 3

Let’s hear it for less mental maths!

