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25th Sep 2015

Watch the first iPhone 6S drop test (Video)

Don't do it!


We’ve always got mixed feelings about watching an iPhone drop test.

On the one hand it’s always interesting to see how durable smartphones are, and let’s be honest it’s sort of fun to watch things get smashed.

On the other, there’s something heartbreaking about seeing a brand new Apple product being treated so shoddily. Our hearts sink to see those screens cracked to f**k.

Keaton Keller, from YouTube channel TechSmartt, travelled to Australia to be one of the first to get his hands on the new iPhone – just so he could drop it for our viewing pleasure.

He tests both the new 6S and 6S Plus, and is particularly interested to see how the new 7000 series aluminum (0r ‘aloominam’ as he puts it) fares. The results are very interesting…