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14th Feb 2017

Trump’s national security adviser quits and Hillary Clinton didn’t miss the chance to get some payback

Michael Flynn led the 'lock her up' chants at the Republican convention

Paul Moore

Michael Flynn led the ‘lock her up’ chants at the Republican convention.

Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has resigned from office after it emerged that he had discussions with the Russian ambassador, Sergei Kislyak , regarding US sanctions.

It has been reported that Flynn subsequently misled White House officials about these conversation.

The talks took place before Donald Trump took office, and because it’s illegal for any private citizen to conduct US diplomacy, Mr Flynn had to resign.

In his letter of resignation, Mr Flynn said he had “inadvertently briefed the vice-president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador”.

Here’s his resignation letter in full.

Since the news of Flynn’s resignation emerged, various people have been quick to share footage of a speech that he gave at a recent Republican convention.

In the clip below, Flynn expresses the view that Hillary Clinton is “reckless”, “above the law” and belongs in jail.

He also implores the crowd to continue their chant of “lock her up.”

After hearing about Flynn’s recent turmoil, the 2016 presidential candidate wasn’t exactly in a forgiving mood.

Here’s what the linked tweet states.

