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01st Mar 2017

President Trump sets up new task-force to tackle ‘crimes by immigrants’ called VOICE

Nothing to do with Sir Tom Jones

Rory Cashin

Last night, President Trump gave his first Address to Congress, and for the most part of was just regular old Trump: the Wall, jobs, making America great again, yada yada yada.

Normally, a standing President would use the opportunity as a trial run for the upcoming State Of The Union speech, but instead Trump took the opportunity to announce a new task force he set up with the Department of Homeland Security.

Trump continued on despite the very audible groans from the Democrats side, he went on to introduce the parents of children who were killed by illegal immigrants, the widowed wives of police officers who were murdered in the line of duty “viciously cut down by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record with two prior deportations.”

He does go on to talk about other things too, including taxes, equality for women, and the environment, but we have the feeling that this new VOICE will be sending shockwaves into the political community for quite some time.

Here’s the full hour long speech if you’re interested: