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03rd May 2017

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron gets into an altercation with angry Brexit voter

"You are an absolute disgrace"

Rich Cooper

The campaign trail can be a daunting place.

It’s the time when politicians are forced to get out on the streets and press the flesh with the public, which is fine when you’re with people who share your views, but it’s harder when talking to people who disagree with you.

As leader of the Liberal Democrats, Tim Farron is no stranger to having angry people yell at him, but today in Oxfordshire an altercation between Farron and a Leave voter was caught on camera.

In the video, the man calls Farron “an absolute disgrace” for calling Brexit voters “racist” and claiming they voted in ignorance.

“You keep on about that they didn’t know what they were voting about. But we do though, we did know,” the man angrily tells Farron.

To Farron’s credit, he doesn’t simply backdown and agree with the man. “Have you got grandchildren?” he asks the man; he confirms that he does.

“Are you proud that they will inherit a poorer, less well-off, less secure country?” Farron asks. To which the man retorts: “I’m proud that they’ll be coming out of… Europe.

“We’ll have our own destiny, and not have people tell us we’re gonna pay £100 billion to get out. If that’s your policies (sic), I hope you get beat. I hope you get six seats.”

The man then exits, leaving Farron to face the cameras.

“Can I just point out to you, that would never have happened to Theresa May,” he says. “Because she doesn’t talk to anybody normal, so God bless him.”
