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06th Apr 2015

Mayor trolls entire town by sounding volcano alarm

Simon Lloyd

This mayor really had a ‘mare…

As much of Britain bathed in subtropical conditions on Easter Sunday, residents of a Chilean town were led to believe they were just minutes from being obliterated by an active volcano.

The town of Pucon was temporarily evacuated just last month when Villarrica, the volcano which towers above it, started to blow its top.

Since then, you’d forgive the locals for being a little twitchy as they settle back into everyday life.

But, with a hint of smoke still seeping from the volcano’s peak, Mayor Carlos Barra decided to remind residents that a fiery death was still potentially just around the corner by sounding the town’s volcano alarm.

Unsurprisingly this caused mass confusion in the streets, with some accusing officials of ‘crying wolf’.

We expect the mayor has now had his volcano alarm-sounding responsibilities revoked.

