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06th Apr 2015

BBC News make a very unfortunate typo

Simon Lloyd

‘The world’s largest atom smasher’ wasn’t the only unintentional innuendo in this BBC report.

If you’re a fan of protons being torpedoed into one another at great speeds in very expensive, purpose-built underground machines then you don’t need to be told that this is a significant week.

That is, of course, a reference to the Hadron Collider, which is ready for action following a recent upgrade.

Unlike when it was first ‘turned on’, there are no fears that the Collider will open up a huge black hole and suck us all into oblivion this time around; just great excitement.

Such high levels of excitement, in fact, that it clearly had an impact within the BBC newsroom, where a small typo transformed one of science’s greatest triumphs into something very, very different…

