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06th Oct 2015

American Christians’ doomsday prophecy claims the world will end tomorrow

Don't panic, but...

Ben Kenyon

There’s nothing like a good old fashioned doomsday prophecy to put everyone in full-scale panic mode.

And we’ve had a few down the years. Ol’ Nostradamus said it would be curtains for everyone in the seventh month of 1999 when the ‘King of Terror’ would come from the sky.

There was those folk who claimed sh*t would hit the fan for mankind just after midnight on December 31, 1999 with that silly Millennium Bug scare.

Then recently there’s been the Mayan calendar thing and those that said the Blood Moon would be the end for humanity.

And guess what? We’re still standing (just).

But there’s still people out there ready to tell us all that this really is the end of days. The final curtain. The last hurrah.

Apparently this is going to happen tomorrow. TOMORROW? Sh*t!

The eBible Fellowship, an online Christian radio broadcaster, made the warning in a series of podcasts entitled ‘Why October 7, 2015 is the likely end of the world.’

The latest merchant of doom Chris McCann said: “According to what the Bible is presenting it does appear that 7 October will be the day that God has spoken of: in which, the world will pass away.

“It’ll be gone forever. Anihilated.”

It’s based on a similar prediction that the world would end in 2011, but McCann believes this date was the ‘start of God’s judgement’ and that the rapture will actually come tomorrow. He’s not given us an exact time, though.

So stop reading this right now! Go. Go out into the street. Kiss all your family goodbye. Tell your boss that you secretly loved him all along. Take that last chance to go streaking through your neighbourhood before the apocalypse destroys our mortal realm.

It’s been nice knowing you all.

