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08th Oct 2015

The new iPhone 6S has this massive battery problem, users claim…

Not again...

Ben Kenyon

You’d think Apple might have solved the iPhone’s battery problem by now.

The multi-billion-pound American tech firm has been churning them out since 2007.

But nope! It seems the brand-spanking new iPhone 6S is having battery life problems just like its 10 predecessors have.

This is even after #ShutDownGate which has seen owners of the new model angry that their device seems to just switch off and on at will.

According to MacRumours there are two different chips which are used in the new 6S, apparently meaning some devices get two hours less battery life than others. Some will function for eight hours, while other only for six.

After benchmark tests it seems that phones with the Samsung chip built on the 14nm standard give two hours less charge than those with the 16nm TMSC chip fitted.

Redditors say you can check which chip your phone contains using this app – TMSC’s chip shows up as N66MAP or N71MAP, while Samsung’s appears as N66AP or N17AP.

Apple is yet to comment.

It was so much simpler when we all had to use landlines and phone boxes.