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02nd Dec 2018

WATCH: Man proposes, woman says yes, man drops engagement ring down grate in the street

Rory Cashin

A mildly inauspicious start…

Love can often be elusive, something that can slip right through your fingers if you’re not paying it enough attention.

Of course, that is more metaphor than reality, which makes it all the more hilarious/tragic (delete as you find appropriate) that this guy managed to literally let the physical object that represents his love for his partner literally fall out of his hands.

And on to the ground.

And between the bars of a grate.

New York Police Department released footage of the incident, which also tell us that the couple actually never managed to get the ring back!

However, the NYPD Special Ops officers did manage to retrieve it and want to get it back the happy (we’re assuming?) couple.

It would be a lot cheaper than heading back out to buy a second one.