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12th Dec 2018

EU Commission backs Theresa May ahead of leadership vote

Kyle Picknell

They believe May has done a good job during a ‘difficult process’

The EU Commission has reiterated its support for Theresa May ahead of a Tory leadership contest this evening, triggered after the 48 letters of no confidence required to trigger a ballot vote within the Tory party was reached today.

The prime minister met with Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels on Tuesday night to discuss the issues surrounding the Northern Ireland backstop.

Margaritis Schinas, the chief spokesperson of the Commission presidency, said the Commission believed Ms May had done a good job considering the circumstances.

Speaking in Brussels, Schinas said: “The Commission will not comment on the internal politics of the United Kingdom and not least the Conservative party, but President Juncker has on many occasions expressed his support for prime minister May and her role in managing a very difficult process.”

He also stated that Juncker listened ‘attentively’ to May’s concerns.

The prime minister is due to attend another summit in Brussels with the 27 other national leaders on Thursday and Friday of this week.

She will be seeking concessions to her Brexit withdrawal agreement, following a hostile reception to it by her MPs. According to the Independent, EU diplomats said that the backstop could not be changed, limited, or constrained in any meaningful way.

The EU, have insisted that the withdrawal agreement cannot and will not be renegotiated.