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15th Jan 2019

BBC newsreader definitely, definitely, accidentally mispronounces Jeremy Hunt’s name

Kyle Picknell

Unfortunately this sort of thing is kind of inevitable when you have a name like Jeremy Hunt and you are, in fact, a Conservative politician like Jeremy Hunt

How many times do you think this has happened to Jeremy Hunt? Maybe 10 times? A hundred? A  thousand? A million?

Of those, what proportion of instances do you think ended with the person responsible claiming it was ‘an accident’ afterwards? All of them? 100% of them? Every single last one of them? Yeah. Yeah.

Let me ask you one final question: would you believe them?

For this, we have to analyse the evidence available to us.

In this particular scenario, it is this wonderful, wonderful newsreader who decides to steady herself before pronouncing the name ‘Jeremy Hunt’ live on air.

Watch it back and notice the almost imperceptible pause between ‘Jeremy’ and ‘Cunt’. Notice the distinct C at the start of the word. Notice the breathy emphasis of it, and the subtle, but noticeable, elongation of the internal u vowel sound. Notice the emphatic rounding out of the t at the end. Notice that there is no pause, hesitation, or stutter in her delivery, nor afterwards. It is as smooth, and as definitive, a delivery as I’ve ever heard.

Despite that, and as compelling as that information all is, it isn’t conclusive by any means.

But then again…

