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06th Apr 2019

British Army releases unprecedented video after Corbyn video and sex assault allegations

Wayne Farry

The defence secretary has said he is “appalled” by the allegations

The British Army has released nan unprecedented video on its YouTube channel following Saturday’s allegations of sexual assault and a recent video showing soldiers using a picture of Jeremy Corbyn for target practice.

The video, which features chief of the general staff, General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, sees him condemn the alleged behaviour as “not only is it downright unacceptable”, but “illegal and it stands in stark contrast with everything the British army represents”.

While stating that it is not appropriate to comment on specific allegations, Carleton-Smith says:

“Where serious allegations are proven against members of the army… it demonstrates indiscipline that is wildly at odds with the values and standards that represent the fabric of not just our army, but the nation’s army.

“Not only is it downright unacceptable, it’s illegal and it stands in stark contrast with everything the British army represents.”

On Saturday, it was reported by The Sun six British soldiers have been arrested over the alleged sexual assault of a teenage female soldier.

Defence secretary Gavin Williamson has described himself as “appalled” by the allegations which have been made, and has confirmed that an investigation has been launched.

“There is no place for these kind of actions in the military and, if true, those involved must face the full force of the law,” Williamson said.

Earlier this week, leaked footage emerged online showing British soldiers at a shooting range using a large poster of Jeremy Corbyn as target practice. The Ministry of Defence confirmed that the video was legitimate.

An army spokesman said: “We are aware of a video circulating on social media, this behaviour is totally unacceptable and falls well below the high standards the army expects. A full investigation has been launched.”