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15th Apr 2019

Climate change protesters Extinction Rebellion smash Shell HQ and blockade London’s roads

Several arrests have been made

Oli Dugmore

Police arrested several men after Extinction Rebellion descended on the Shell office

Environmental protesters smashed the windows of oil company Shell’s headquarters in London and several people have been arrested.

Workers at Shell were prevented from leaving the building after members of Extinction Rebellion superglued themselves to the entrance of their office, just before lunchtime too.

Elsewhere, demonstrators blockaded roads forcing police to redirect traffic around them. At Oxford Circus, a large pink boat was parked in the middle of the junction and Extinction Rebellion activists also glued themselves to that.

The group’s aim is have as many of its members arrested during coordinated “week of action” with other chapters across the world.

Extinction Rebellion said their intention was to conduct non-violent acts of resistance and “peaceful action” but three men have been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage near the Shell HQ.

Parliament Square, Marble Arch, Waterloo Bridge and Piccadilly Circus were also targeted – with Waterloo Bridge seeing the addition of a skater’s half-pipe and trees.

Oxford Circus’ big pink boat is daubed with the phrase: “Tell the truth!”

The Shell office has been painted with Extinction Rebellion’s logo and messages reading “climate criminals” and “crime scene.”

Extinction Rebellion are demanding the government declare an immediate climate emergency and commit to reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2025.

A spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion said: “Ordinary citizens, terrified by the threat we all face to our future, will risk arrest and imprisonment by blocking bridges, roads, harbours and transport systems.

“Die-ins, cry-ins, funerals, banner drops, ‘blood’ spilling, art and theatre will be part of a festival of global protest.

“In London, people are willing to be arrested and to stay.”

Scotland Yard said “appropriate policing plans” are in place and officers will be used “to support the public order operation during the coming weeks.”

“We will always provide a proportionate policing plan to balance the right to a peaceful protest, while ensuring that disruption to communities is kept to a minimum.”