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05th May 2019

The man who threw a milkshake at Tommy Robinson is now getting death threats


No good deed goes unpunished

Tommy Robinson had a milkshake thrown over him during a trip to Warrington this week.

Video footage posted online showed the former English Defence League leader, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, in discussion with a man – named as Danyal Mahmud – in the Cheshire town’s centre.

Mahmud could be seen holding a McDonald’s milkshake throughout a conversation with Robinson before eventually throwing it over him.

Robinson and his entourage then appear to retaliate by punching Mahmud, before a voice can be heard shouting “That’s what you get for being a fascist”.

In an interview with the Observer on Sunday, Mahmud revealed that he has been subject to death threats after the incident.

“I’m a low-key person, I didn’t anticipate this publicity and I don’t want it – I’m getting death threats on social media and I am worried about me and my family being targeted,” he said.

“I’d be willing to bury the hatchet with Tommy,” he added. “I guess we could shake on it.”

Mahmud revealed that he suffered cuts and bruises after being hit in retaliation, and confirmed that he reported Robinson to the police for assault.

After the incident, Mahmud stated that he was on his way home when confronted by the Luton-native, who was in Warrington canvassing as part of his attempt to become North West England MEP.

“He (Tommy Robinson) just kept coming to me and talking to me. I kept moving location. I was the only Asian guy there,” he said.

“I said to him I do not wish to speak to you on or off camera. I just got annoyed with him. A milk shake ‘slipped’ out of my hand.

“I had no intention of doing anything or reacting in any way. But he kept talking. I feel a bit shaken up and shocked to be honest.”