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27th May 2019

Jeremy Corbyn: EU membership ‘will have to go back to the people’

This seems less ambiguous

Oli Dugmore

This seems less ambiguous Mr Corbyn

The Labour party took an absolute drubbing in the European elections.

As Nigel Farage’s Brexit party ran out clear winner in the contest, the UK’s main party duopoly disintegrated. The SNP cleaned up in Scotland, Plaid Cymru beat them for the first time ever in a national election in Wales.

The confirmed winners of the contest so far, Brexit, Lib Dems and Greens all have an explicit stance on the Brexit issue. Labour’s policy of constructive ambiguity hurt them.

Jeremy Corbyn was forced to move on the subject, making the below statement.

He said: “After three years of Tory failure to deliver a Brexit that works for the whole country, these elections became a proxy second referendum.

“With the Conservatives disintegrating and unable to govern, and parliament deadlocked, this issue will have to go back to the people, whether through a general election or a public vote. Labour will bring our divided country together so we can end austerity and tackle inequality.

“Over the coming days we will have conversations across our party and movement, and reflect on these results on both sides of the Brexit divide.

“We will not let the continuing chaos in the Conservative Party push our country into a No Deal exit from the EU. Parliament can and will prevent such a damaging outcome for jobs and industry in the UK.: