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25th Jun 2019

Boris Johnson hires man behind Zac Goldsmith’s failed ‘dog whistle’ campaign

Wayne Farry

Johnson has turned to the man behind Goldsmith’s failed London mayoral campaign

Boris Johnson has responded to a turbulent past 72 hours in his Tory leadership campaign by hiring Mark Fullbrook, the man responsible for Zac Goldsmith’s failed campaign to become Mayor of London, as his campaign chief executive.

Johnson’s campaign to become prime minister has been thrown into disarray over the last three days after it emerged that police had been called to the residence of his girlfriend over the weekend.

Police were called to the residence in south London at 12.24am on Friday after neighbours said that they had heard an argument taking place involving screaming and banging.

Police said that the neighbour who reported the altercation “was concerned for the welfare of a female neighbour”.

Johnson has refused to answer questions about what happened that led to the call to police, amid calls from commentators and his rival in the Tory leadership race, Jeremy Hunt.

Mr. Fuller was in charge of Zac Goldsmith’s campaign in 2016, which was dogged by accusations of ‘dog whistle’ Islamophobia.

During that campaign, Goldsmith claimed that Sadiq Khan had “shared platform after platform with extremists and anti-Semites”.

He is a business partner of Australian political strategist Lynton Crosby and also worked on Johnson’s successful London mayoral campaign in 2012.