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18th Apr 2015

Japanese train smashes world speed record

Record on the line...


This brand spanking new world record is already on the line…

Aside from their impressive ability to create new gameshows that fuse karaoke and hand-jobs, Japan has reminded us that they’re also very skilled when it comes to creating really, really fast trains.

After announcing that a maglev train had reached a staggering 366 miles per hour, a Central Japan Railway Co. spokesman was quick to tell the Wall Street Journal that the record could be broken again in the coming days.

The seven car train achieved the feat last week on an experimental track in Yamanashi, eclipsing the previous record which stood at a sluggish 361mph.

The maglev technology that the train uses is mindblowing in itself. Just watch this video…

Despite being capable of setting such records, JR Central only expect the train to reach top speeds of 314mph when it opens for business in 2027.

However, the train will still manage to more than halve journey times between the Japanese capital of Tokyo and the city of Nagoya.

