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06th Jul 2020

Donald Trump turns July 4th speech into a rant about anarchists, agitators and Marxists


Trump is not one to stay on message

Donald Trump used his White House Independence Day speech to call out anarchists, agitators and Marxists.

The US president’s address was initially a call to celebrate the founding fathers of the United States, as well as America’s workers. He also praised the country’s troops who defeated the Nazis and, as he described it, “toppled the communists”.

It was at this point in his speech that Trump decided to focus on what he described as the “radical left”, as well as agitators, looters, anarchists and Marxists “who have no idea what they’re doing”.

He also said that the country would not allow an “angry mob” to tear down statues or indoctrinate the country’s children.

Black Lives Matter protesters gathered nearby ahead of the speech which saw Trump continue the combative rhetoric which has been a hallmark of his presidency since Black Lives Matter protests erupted across the country in the wake of George Floyd’s death.