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22nd Jul 2020

Russia Report: Why isn’t Boris’ government investigating interference?

Oli Dugmore

What is the Russia report?

If you’ve watched the news in the United Kingdom over the past year, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘Russia report’ uttered at least a good four hundred times.

It has become one of those phrases, like ‘blockchain’ that we consistently hear, without ever getting close to understanding what it actually is. Well, here’s what it is.

The Russia report is an investigation into alleged corruption of the British democratic process. So it’s quite important. One would assume that any sane and well-run government would be eager to get to any sort of corruption in its democracy.

But that’s not the case here. There is no smoking gun, instead there’s just dozens and dozens of redacted pages, redactions which prove that Boris Johnson’s government has no interest in getting to the bottom of these alleged crimes.

With this in mind, the question must be asked: why doesn’t the government want to investigate Russian interference?