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30th Jul 2021

Chris Whitty: Man admits assaulting chief medical officer

George McKay

A man has pleaded guilty to assaulting England’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty

Lewis Hughes, aged 24, accosted Professor Whitty in St James’ Park in London on 27 June.

He pleaded guilty to assault at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, according to Sky News.

Hughes, who also lost his job as an estate agent after his boss saw the footage, pleaded guilty to common assault today.

Hughes had previously claimed he just wanted to take a selfie with the civil servant so he could show his mum.

He also apologised for his actions – saying he paid the price with his “job”.

Hughes added: “I absolutely apologise for any upset I caused.

“If I made him feel uncomfortable, which it does look like I did, then I am sorry to him for that.

“He is quite a timid, shy person and I think that is why he didn’t say, ‘Get off me’. If he had said that and I had realised how he felt, I wouldn’t have put my arm round him.”