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18th Aug 2021

The August heatwave has been cancelled

Danny Jones

Ray-Bans back in the draw, raincoats at the ready

After yet another turn in meteorologists estimations, the August heatwave that the UK was expected to receive later this month and possibly into September won’t be happening.

Instead, especially up north, Brits can expect to be putting up with yet more grey skies, wind and rain according to weather forecasters. Yayyyyyy…

The Met Office‘s Steven Keates regrettably informed news outlets that the “bland” weather we’re currently facing is set to stick around for a bit longer, adding: “This summer is not going to be remembered for warmth”. Glad we’re all at the point of denial where we’re pretending Euro 2020 didn’t happen now.

He went on to say that “We’ve had flooding, some parts of the country have seen double their average rainfall and temperatures have been unremarkable. It’s been wishy-washy to say the least, and that’s how it’s going to end.” Well, aren’t you a cheery chappy, Steve?

On the other hand, Keates added that while the August heatwave is “not on the cards” anymore, we should “not give up hope” for some more nice weather before the year is out. Let’s hope it comes sooner rather than later.

Despite grimmer days in the past couple of weeks or so, the Met said that rainfall across the UK in August has actually been average in most parts of the country so far – all except for Northern Ireland, which has seen 89 per cent rainfall as opposed to around 50 per cent usually.

However, things have felt greyer overall as the UK has seen fewer sunshine hours this month. While several areas around the country, including the North West, are set to see “erratic” showers, we can expect fairly dry but humid conditions elsewhere. Check the Met Office website to see what you can and can’t plan for the next few weeks.

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