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27th Aug 2021

Afghanistan: British nationals amongst those killed in Kabul airport attack

Charlie Herbert

They were among 95 killed in the attack at Kabul airport.

Two British nationals and the child of another British national died in the explosion at Kabul airport on Thursday

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab confirmed the news on Friday, and said that two other British nationals had been injured in the suicide bomb attack.

Raab said: “It is a tragedy that as they sought to bring their loved ones to safety in the UK they were murdered by cowardly terrorists.

He added: “Yesterday’s despicable attack underlines the dangers facing those in Afghanistan and reinforces why we are doing all we can to get people out. We are offering consular support to their families.

“We will not turn our backs on those who look to us in their hour of need, and we will never be cowed by terrorists.”

The attack came as the US and and UK continue to evacuate people out of Kabul before August 31, when American troops will withdraw from the airport.

Related links:

Kabul airport attack: At least 60 people killed and 140 others wounded

Explosion outside Kabul airport confirmed with casualties uncertain

Pen Farthing and rescue dogs trapped in Afghanistan after UK shuts Kabul airport gates

More than 150 people were killed in the attack on Thursday, which the so-called Islamic State has taken credit for. The Pentagon said 13 US service personnel were among the 95 people killed.

The Pentagon also confirmed that the attack consisted of just one explosion. There had been some reports of a second explosion near the Baron Hotel, close to the airport, but the Pentagon has said this was not the case.