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07th Oct 2021

Harrowing footage shows woman narrowly escaping burglar following her home

Danny Jones

WARNING: viewers may find this footage distressing

A terrifyingly close call

A terrifying video has been released showing a woman being followed home by a man who then attempts to break into her apartment.

In the clip released by police, a  50-year-old woman is seen returning home to her Claremont Village apartment in New York around 2am on September 23, after been tailed by a suspicious man.

After entering the building, the woman walks down the corridor, and having either noticed him following her or hearing his footsteps as he quickened his pace, she swiftly slams the door shut on the man with milliseconds to spare.

The man then attempts to open the locked down and even tries the doorbell, before walking off in frustration.

Police confirmed the two individuals do not know each other and that neither the potential assailant nor the woman exchanged a single word.

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