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27th Apr 2015

Video: Pensioner freed after 36-year wrongful murder conviction given a year’s free burgers

Justice is served, with coke and fries...

Ben Kenyon

Justice never tasted so good.

Sixty-nine-year-old Michael Hanline was finally freed after 36 years in a US jail for a murder he did not commit.

New DNA evidence showed he couldn’t have murdered trucker JT McGarry back in 1978 – so he was released with the help of the California Innocence Project.

The first thing he wanted was ‘one of those burgers off the commercials’…and boy did he get that, and more.

It’s quite touching to watch him tucking into a half-pound Mile High bacon cheeseburger with fries and a drink after all that time in jail.

Now the burger chain has offered to give Michael free meals for a year.

(H/T Independent)