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30th Oct 2021

‘No one’s allowed to speak their mind right now,’ says Madonna

Kieran Galpin

Madonna, the queen of callouts, is ‘terrified’ of cancel culture

Madonna has hit out at cancel culture and said there is “no debate or discussion” about the vaccines for fear of being “cancelled”.

Speaking to V Magazine and playwright Jeremy O Harris, the singer was asked where peace exists in a world affected by the pandemic and “billionaires wrecking the economy”.

Madonna, 63, replied: “It’s interesting because peace is subjective. The way people think about the pandemic, for instance, that the vaccination is the only answer or the polarisation of thinking you’re either on this side or the other. There’s no debate, there’s no discussion.”

Madonna continued to say she believes art is meant to “disturb the status quo” and that she is “frightened” by censorship.

She added: “No one’s allowed to say what they really think about things for fear of being cancelled, cancel culture. In cancel culture, disturbing the peace is probably an act of treason.”

Harris wasn’t entirely on board with the Vogue singers statements, saying that he doesn’t believe cancel culture is as frightening as some people make it out to be.

The artist replied: “The thing is, the quieter you get, the more fearful you get, the more dangerous anything is. We’re giving it power by shutting the f*** up completely.”

In July 2020, Madonna’s Instagram account as flagged for misinformation after sharing a video of Dr Stella Immanuel, who falsely claimed that social distancing and face masks are ineffective. She continued to say that hydroxychloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria, was the “cure for Covid”.

The video was also shared by both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

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