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20th Dec 2021

‘Two-week circuit breaker lockdown’ considered on December 27th

Ava Evans

Government are reportedly considering a two-week circuit breaker and a return to the ‘rule-of-six’

New covid-19 restrictions could come into force in England as early as the December 27, according to The Mirror’s Pippa Crerar. 

It’s thought that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering a return to ‘step 2’ restrictions, similar to those introduced in April 2021. 

New measures would see a ban on mixing households indoors and a reintroduction of “support bubbles” and the “rule-of-six”. Domestic overnight stays would be permitted but only with members of your household or bubble. 

In another knock for hospitality: pubs, bars and restaurants will be forced to close their indoor seating areas and provide table service for outdoor guests. 

Travel could face a similar peril, with overseas holidays potentially banned and travellers liable for a £5,000 fine. 

Like current measures enshrined under ‘Plan B’, people would be expected to work from home where possible, education will remain open and communal worship will be permitted. 

MPs were expected to receive a briefing from Sir Patrick Vallance at 2pm on Monday afternoon (December 20) but according to a Whatsapp message seen by PoliticsJOE, the covid-19 briefing call was cancelled 15 minutes before it was due to start, citing “timing restraints”. 

The delay has led some journalists to speculate new measures will not be introduced before Christmas, with The Times’ Political Editor Steven Swinford suggesting a “likely scenario” would be a two-week circuit breaker, set to begin on the December 28. 

It is thought New Year’s Eve could be thrown into jeopardy under new measures being considered.

On Sunday, Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, tweeted her disappointment in Johnson’s failure to announce new restrictions.

Writing on Twitter, Sturgeon said: “As infections soar and businesses suffer, we still need much more urgency in action/support from UK Gov – so that devolved gov hands not tied”

The UK government are yet to announce details of any upcoming press conferences or changes to covid-19 guidance.

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