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20th Jan 2022

Boris Johnson tells party rebels to ‘bring it on’ in fight for his job

Danny Jones

And so the coup begins?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is said to be putting up a strong front as rebels within the Conservative Party look to put pressure on the ‘Big Dog’.

As per Sky News following a blockbuster week for PMQs, Johnson is resisting pressure from against his own side of the aisle and is reported to have told allies and enemies alike, “Bring it on.”

This comes after Bury South MP Christian Wakeford defected to Labour just minutes ahead of PMQs and Tory veteran David Davis implored Johnson “in the name of God, go”.

Wakeford’s defection is thought to have not only sewn greater seeds of doubt among wavering backbenchers but others to rally behind the PM, though there is uncertainty underlying the apparent split as some Tory plotters are now debating if and when to launch their coup.

His most loyal supporters believe the prime minister has bought himself with the Whitehall ‘Partygate‘ report, as it is thought his detractors will allow him a reprieve until it has been published before mounting any coup. Answers on a postcard as to why.

As for the report itself, it is being carried out by senior civil servant Sue Gray and is not expected until next week, meaning the PM and his apologists will undoubtedly move to root out and put massive pressure of their own on the rebel MPs looking to destabilise his position.

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