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12th Mar 2022

Ukraine claims Russia is plotting ‘man-made disaster’ at Chernobyl as nuclear concerns grow

Danny Jones

Russian forces have held control of the nuclear plant since February 25

Ukraine has claimed that Russia is plotting a “man-made disaster” after having seized and reportedly destroyed parts of the nuclear containment complex in the partially abandoned city of Chernobyl.

The allegations come after the Ministry of Defence issued an official statement on their Facebook page suggesting that Vladimir Putin‘s government is attempting “nuclear blackmail” and will undoubtedly blame any subsequent ecological fallout on Ukraine.

The ministry cited that is not the first time the nuclear plant located in the Zaporizhzhia region has been targeted, having previously been fired on by Putin’s forces earlier this month; it was later reported that the city had been plunged into darkness after it was severed from the national power grid.

While the International Atomic Energy Agency said that there was no immediate concern at the time and posed “no critical impact on safety”, with more than 400 Russian troops thought to be stationed there, the possibility of further explosions causing radiation to be released is a growing concern.

Chief of Defence Intelligence, Kirilo Budanov, warned that the nation has currently assessed two possible options:

“The first is a large-scale arson of radioactive forests, a radioactive cloud will immediately rise, and go in the direction where the wind blows. The second is the application of artillery on the nuclear reserve.”

Budanov went on to suggest that Putin fears his campaign is faltering and is attempting to intentionally spark this “man-made disaster” in Chernobyl so as to divert attention while he continues to push further into Kyiv and the country as a whole.

Elsewhere, it is being reported that Russian tanks and detachments of troops are not only taking up “firing positions” on the outskirts of the capital, but that humanitarian corridors are under constant shelling and shipments of Western arms are now legitimate targets for airstrikes.

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