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25th Mar 2022

‘Hooligan’ chihuahuas terrorising town and ganging up on ex-cop German Shepherd

Kieran Galpin

The dogs are never leashed by all accounts

Two chihuahuas dubbed “Mexican hooligans” have been terrorising a town and have ganged up to attack an ex-police German Shepherd.

Residents of Corsham, Wiltshire, are terrified of one of the most formidable creatures on Earth – the chihuahua. Their snappy “unpleasant” temperament has led to numerous reports being filed to the local council, reports The Mirror.


One of the many reported incidents saw an ex-police German Shepherd being attacked by the gaggle of miniature pooches. Another incident, this time involving “two 65lb dogs”, saw “two little chihuahuas” charge straight towards them.

Local doctor Jeffrey O’Dwyer branded the assailants as “bloody Mexican hooligans.”

“I got a call from a resident who’d had a very unpleasant encounter with a couple of dogs in the high street where they were off-leash,” said Lib Dem Councillor Ruth Hopkins, who is also chair of Corsham Town Council.

Speaking to the Wiltshire Times, she explained: “They were little dogs. The man who called up has an ex-police dog, he’s a German Shepherd, so a big dog.”


The councilwoman added: “They weren’t leashed, and the owner thought they’re only little, they’re only friendly. But you have to be really careful.”

Worried about local livestock, Hopkins took to social media to warn residents. She wrote: “If in a lambing field please keep to the paths and your dog on a leash. The dogs may just be ‘playing’, but that’s not how the sheep see it.

“When they’re spooked, the ewe and lamb can become separated and (because they’re not very bright creatures) they can’t find each other, and it is leading to lamb deaths.

“What is happening is that people are just taking their dogs off the leash and letting them do whatever.


“Obviously, in lambing season we’ve got little ones, ewes and they’re all flighty animals, and I wouldn’t say that these dogs are necessarily worrying the sheep and biting their ankles and that sort of thing.

“It’s more that they’re just running wild and spooking the sheep – they go in one direction, the lambs go in another and apparently they sometimes find it difficult to find each other and the lambs die.”

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