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18th Dec 2015

This American blacksmith smashed one of the biggest 9/11 terror attack conspiracy theories (Video)

This is so simple...

Ben Kenyon

It’s still one of the biggest conspiracy theories of modern times.

Tens of thousands of people across the globe still think that the terror attacks on the World Trade Centre on 9/11 were an ‘inside job’ by the US Government.

One of the main pieces of ‘evidence’ that people put forward is that the steel superstructure of the buildings could not possibly have been melted by burning jet fuel.

Well one US blacksmith, who works with metal, thinks the claim about melting steel is ‘moronic’ and he’s had enough of it.

Trenton Tye, from Georgia, took time out of his day to debunk the theory about the WTC steel.

We’re not going to argue with him either…

Clip via Purgatory Iron Works

