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03rd Apr 2022

Tory MP David Warburton suspended from party over drug and sexual harassment allegations

Charlie Herbert

He’s said he has ‘enormous amounts of defence’ against the allegations

Tory MP David Warburton has been suspended from the Conservative Party over a number of allegations of sexual harassment and drug use.

Warburton, 56, is the MP for Somerton and Frome and has had the whip removed by his party while an investigation into the claims is carried out.

These include allegations that he took cocaine and was sexually inappropriate towards three women.

Since the allegations emerged, Warburton has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital for severe shock and stress, his wife told the BBC.

The Sunday Times published a picture which appears to show Warburton posing alongside lines of cocaine.

The paper alleges that this picture was taken at the home of a younger woman he met through politics, and that the father of two had asked for the drug to be purchased. He then apparently said the price was “quite good actually.”

The woman involved claimed she was drunk at the time. When she began to feel uncomfortable about being alone with the Tory MP, she went to bed, but Warburton then apparently climbed into bed naked with her.

She said she did not resist or ask him to leave because she was scared of how he would react. She alleged that despite giving him repeated warnings that she did not want to have sex with him he then ground his body against her and groped her breasts.

A spokesman for the Whips Office said: “David Warburton MP has had the Conservative Party whip removed while the investigation is ongoing.”

Two other women have made reports of misconduct to the parliamentary harassment watchdog, the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS).

In a statement to the Sunday Telegraph, Warburton said: “I have enormous amounts of defence, but unfortunately the way that things work means that doesn’t come out first.

“I have heard nothing whatsoever from the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme. I’m sorry, I can’t comment any further.”

His Twitter account appears to have been deleted since the allegations emerged on Saturday.

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