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08th Apr 2022

Fancy getting away from it all? This could be the dream job for you

Kieran Galpin

Let’s all quit our jobs and go hug some penguins

If 2022 isn’t all you’d hoped it would be the cost of living crisis literally has you hiding under your blankets, then the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT) may have the perfect job for you.

UKAHT is on the hunt for three people to fill positions later this year at their Port Lockroy base where you’ll do some simple tasks and monitor the local penguins that live in the area. This remote base is located on Goudier Island in the Palmer Archipelago, west of the Antarctic Peninsula – so probably best to pack a coat.

They are currently looking to hire a general assistant, a shop manager, and a base leader, with each job position running from November 2022 to March 2023, with training due to take place in Cambridge in October this year.

The responsibilities of a base leader include running a team of approximately five people, managing maintenance and upkeep, running the gift shop for tourists, and ensuring the base runs as smoothly as possible.

Most interestingly, successful applicants will be able to assist in penguin and other wildlife observations on behalf of the British Antarctic Survey. A report on findings is expected at the end of the trip.

If you are a creature of comfort, the job might not be for you. After all, you’ll be living with minimal facilities in a “hostel-like” setting with communal living areas, so don’t expect much privacy.

There are no water facilities on the island either – besides ice that is – and most of the available H20 is transported using cans from supply ships.

Don’t bother bringing electrical devices, besides photography equipment, either, as energy is scarce. Most of the area’s power comes from solar panels but even this is used sparingly.

Still, with no laptop, tablet, or phone in your luggage, you’ll have a lot more room for warm clothes and books. Temperatures fluctuate on the island but it’s Antarctica – so no need to pack your swimsuit. Temperatures plunge to around -5c, with highs a few degrees above zero.

So, if you want to play with penguins, run a shop and live your best Bear Grylls fantasy, then be sure to hand applications in by April 25.

Click this link to view the job description.

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