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10th Mar 2016

VIDEO: Comedian spends three years trolling online spammers

Jordan Gold

James Veitch, a British writer and comedian with seemingly infinite patience, has spent the past few years relentlessly replying to every spam email he has ever received.

Part troll, part teacher – today James gives comedy lectures on online safety and what really happens when you actually reply to phishing scams and phony “Nigerian diplomats”.

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James recommends that you too try this at home:


“The way I look at it, every minute I spend wasting a scammers time is one minute they aren’t out there spamming people. The results have been hilarious.”


Next time you get a call about being in an “accident that wasn’t your fault”, play along. You never know, you might be in for a proper laugh.

You can catch more of James’ work on his website, or on his Twitter. His book, ‘Dot Con: The art of spamming spammers’ is available to buy from Amazon and is full of can’t-miss investment opportunities and eligible Russian brides.

