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04th Apr 2016

This text conversation between a couple has gone viral after boyfriend shops for girlfriend’s makeup

He did not do well...

Colm Boohig

This is so funny.

Don’t you just hate it when you go shopping for makeup on your girlfriend’s behalf but get flustered as to what you’re looking for? Yeah, us neither, because we’ve never been stupid brave enough to try such a thing.

This pioneering soul did attempt this extremely difficult task, as seen on Imgur account Blufiz and, god bless him, he gave it his all.

Our sisters over at alerted us to this gem and we’re glad, because we can relate to this man’s agony.

It’s how easily distracted he gets that makes this so brilliant. Enjoy.

Makeup convo 1




Makeup5 ii

Makeup6 ii

Makeup7 ii

Makeup8 ii

Makeup9 ii



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