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30th May 2016

Michael Owen was far too pleased to spot a dead ferret this morning

Carl Anka

The inner workings of Michael Owen’s mind are an enigma.

For JOE readers of a certain age, it can sometimes be hard to remember that the man with the… ahem… particular commentary style was once a Ballon D’Or winner and one of the most feared strikers in Europe.

The more we learn about Michael Owen, the more we are confused as to what type of man he is.

He hates films and loves pea and ham soup, but outside of that, how much do we really know about Michael Owen?

Just when we think we’re getting a feel for the man, he throws us a curve ball on social media.

Take this May Bank Holiday Monday morning when Michael decided to share with the world his morning run in the garden.

That, dear readers is Michael Owen sharing with us a photo of a dead ferret.

We have so many questions.

Why is Michael Owen posing in a photo with dead ferret in his garden?

Why is Michael Owen so happy to be posing with a dead ferret in his garden?

Why is Michael Owen’s garden so big and beautiful?

How did Michael Owen manager to take a photo of an owl chilling out in his garden at 10.20 in the morning.

Didn’t Michael Owen used to feel bad about bad animals? Or is it only rabbits he feels bad for? Is it ok if they die naturally?

Once again, why Michael Owen so happy to be posing with a dead ferret in his garden?

Michael Owen Ferret

Michael, truly we will never understand you. You keep doing you. Don’t worry about the social media comments over your commentary, you’ll find your niche eventually.


Michael Owen