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11th Jun 2016

Brutal footage shows Russian fans kicking grounded England supporters in the heads

Horrendous images

Nooruddean Choudry

This is getting worse and worse.

There is no getting away from the fact that a minority of senseless England fans are embarrassing the peaceful majority of their compatriots out in France. There are clearly those who are relishing the ongoing street battles, and love bellowing out songs about German bombers and the IRA with idiotic zeal.

But the infamous reputation of England fans abroad also attracts the attention of others. French and Russian ultra groups seem to be targeting English followers as an easy target for a rumble. They want a fight and are keen to test themselves against the country that they believe invented football hooliganism.

Marseille Prepares for UEFA Euro 2016 : News Photo

In perhaps the most grotesque footage yet, a Marseille local named Youssef filmed shocking scenes of Russian fans clashing with their England counterparts – and they clearly had no qualms about breaking an unwritten rule of any form of scrapping.

It has been thought of as beyond to pale to continue attacking an unconscious or floored individual, even in such heated battles, but that didn’t stop these Russian ruffians from taking full-blooded kicks to the head of prostrate men. It’s unpleasant to watch so please be warned, but this is the state of things out in France…