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24th Jun 2016

Nigel Farage is calling for this ‘Independence Day’ to be a national Bank Holiday

Ben Kenyon

For anyone who voted Leave today is a great day to be alive.

For anyone who wanted to stay as part of the EU you’re probably crying into your porridge right now.

Financial markets are down, the pound is plummeting and those beers on holiday in Spain are going to cost a lot more.

But UKIP leader Nigel Farage is offering a ray of sunshine to Britain in the wake of the decision to leave the EU.

The long-time Eurosceptic and anti-EU campaigner is calling for this day to be henceforth known Britain’s ‘Independence Day’.

But he’s not stopped there. He wants June 23 – the day that Britain voted ‘out’ – to be a national bank holiday because it will “go down in our history as our independence day”.

Presumably so we can all have the day off to mark the historic day and do British things like moan about the weather, queue unnecessarily and and drink warm ale in our local pub beer garden.

How could you not want an extra day off work? Some people weren’t really that down with the idea…



Nigel Farage