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29th Jul 2016

Heads up, everyone! Apparently, Friday 29 July will see the end of the world

Good news everyone!

Tony Cuddihy

They couldn’t even let us enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend.

Nice knowing you all.

A polar shift, or ‘flip,’ will bring about the end of the world on Friday 29 July, according to Armageddon News.

Apparently, this polar shift will set off earthquakes and a rolling cloud that will result in the end of days.

The subject even has a Wiki page so you know it’s legit. It got used a couple of times in some X-Men comics as Magneto tried to wipe out humanity. This the real deal folks.

So that’s your lot. 2016 was such a tumultuous year, the Universe has decided to pack it all in and end it a few months early. A bit like when when you switch off your console when you’re getting wellied 4-0 playing FIFA.

Pint, anyone? Absinthe? Get a few personal and professional confessions off your chest?

With less than a day remaining until we’re all toast, we know you’ll want to spend almost 18 minutes watching this conspiracy theory about why Friday 29 is the endgame.

NASA, thankfully, have totally discredited this pseudoscience by saying there’s nothing to worry about. They insist the flip is a gradual event that happens all the time.

However, they did say that this particular polar shift will speed up slightly between the middle of July to the middle of August (July 14-August 19), which is why the more paranoid among will be ducking and covering in vain come Friday evening.

We can only wait and see. Here’s hoping there’s a secret band of heroes fighting for the fate of the Earth right now.

Feature image – The World’s End via Universal Pictures

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