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31st Jul 2016

Watch this skydiver land a 25,000ft jump without a parachute

That's 7.62km, in case you were wondering.

Kevin Beirne

There’s a fine line between liking adventure and whatever the hell this is.

Some of us can’t even get up in a plane, let alone jump out of one.

And sure, there are ways to get over a fear of flying, but we seriously doubt you’ll be able to convince some to make the next (literal) step and go skydiving.

But even that seems a little tame once you hear the story of Luke Aikins, who jumped out a plane this weekend and was free-falling for 25,000 feet without a parachute before landing in a 100ft x 100ft net.

In case that didn’t properly sink in, Aikins fell 7.62km from the sky without a parachute and is perfectly fine. the 42-year-old was falling for a more than two minutes.

“Whenever people attempt to push the limits of what’s considered humanly possible, they’re invariably described as crazy,” Aikins was quoted as saying by The Mirror.

“But to me, this jump is simply the next logical step in a lifetime of extreme challenges.”

But Aikins almost didn’t get his chance to complete the jump as he wanted to. Before the jump, Aikins was told by the Screen Actors Guild that he would have to wear a parachute, even though he did not intend to use it – something Aikins said would only make the jump more dangerous.

“I’m going all the way to the net, no question about it,” he said while in the plane. “I’ll just have to deal with the consequences when I land of wearing the parachute on my back and what it’s going to do to my body.”

In the end, the requirement was lifted and Aikins made history.

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