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12th Aug 2016

Court documents on Brendan Dassey’s conviction don’t hold back in criticism of US justice system

"Extreme malfunction"

Richard Beech

Brendan Dassey’s conviction for the first-degree homicide of Teresa Halbach has been overturned.

He could be free within 90 days after the ruling. Court documents released in the US state he should be “released from custody unless, within 90 days of the date of this decision, the State initiates proceedings to retry him”.

Official documents relating to the overturning of the conviction are beginning to be released, and they don’t hold back on their criticism of the police and the justice system which put him in jail.

“It is the conclusion of the court that this case represents the sort of “extreme malfunction in the state criminal justice system” that federal habeas corpus relief exists to correct”, states one document leaked on Twitter.

The statement is heavily critical of the justice system which brought about the conviction of Dassey.

Dassey was interviewed without a lawyer or a parent present.

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