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24th Jul 2015

This is why taking a selfie with a rattlesnake is a terrible idea (Video)

Really, really bad shout there mate...

Ben Kenyon

Think of the worst selfie you’ve ever taken.

Whatever regrettable snap you’ve got in mind won’t come close to the lunacy of this one.

San Diego man Todd Fassler found a rattlesnake in a bush and thought it would be a great idea to get a quick selfie with the highly venomous reptile.

Obviously the snake was unaware of his simple selfie intention and thought the moustachioed American was a predator, so it bit him on the arm. And not just a nip either…

Check out the bite and the way he describes his whole body being paralysed.

But the fact the viper nearly killed him wasn’t the worst bit of the story. Todd was slapped with a $150,000 medical bill from the hospital.

We hope it was a bloody good selfie…


