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22nd Sep 2016

ISIS announce 80-lash punishment for anyone wearing certain Premier League shirts

Guess they're not Manchester United fans...

Kevin Beirne

In case it had somehow slipped your attention, ISIS are not very sound.

The Jihadist terrorist organisation have made a name for themselves for their unique cruelty as they try to take over the Middle East and, presumably, the world.

They have carried out attacks in the west in an attempt to spread fear and hate among largely non-Muslim communities which they can then use as propaganda for their own cause.

They’re also incredibly petty. Like, childishly petty.

The only difference is that back in the day when your old brother came up with some arbitrary rule for why you couldn’t do something, the punishment was not literally a matter of life and death.

But “level-headedness” and “moderation” are not words that immediately spring to mind when you think of ISIS.


The group have tried to intimidate us with shit photoshops and other useless propaganda, but the rest of the internet has done its best to drown out the noise by replacing an ISIS website with ads for erectile disfunction pills, catfishing those trying to recruit them and telling the rest of us how to hack ISIS.

Hell, even Shaggy has a plan and the New York mafia have pledged their assistance in the fight against ISIS.

You might dismiss such things as nonsense, but when a lot of ISIS’s power comes from the perception of them having power, undermining them publicly goes a long way to removing the mystique.

If you are still doubting the importance of propaganda in the ISIS campaign, just consider this. The group have announced that anyone caught wearing football shirts made by manufacturers Nike and Adidas will be punished with 80 lashes.

It’s no surprise that they are targeting the beautiful game, a source of joy and freedom for so many all over the world.

It is all part of maintaining an image of control and power. The group have already apparently banned football refs who ‘practice the law of Fifa instead of Sharia’ because they have absolutely no clue how things work.

Simply, they are punishing people for the same reason they don’t want you watching videos of people escaping from ISIS thanks to the group’s incompetence. Because they want control above all else.

That’s why it’s important to laugh at their childishness as much as we can and support those fighting the good fight against them at every turn.