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08th Oct 2016

Speculation grows that Trump’s prospective Vice President is on the verge of jumping ship

This would be 'UUUUGE

Nooruddean Choudry

This would leave Trump’s Presidential campaign in tatters.

On a tumultuous day for Donald Trump’s hopes of replacing Barack Obama as the Leader of the Free World, there are very serious fears/hopes that the Republican Vice Presidential nominee Governor Mike Pence is ready to leave the billionaire’s election ticket.

Whereas the overwhelming consensus is that Trump was trumped by Hilary Clinton in the first Presidential debate, Pence gave an accomplished display against Democrat rival Tim Kaine in the VP debate. Indeed he did his future hopes of leading the ‘Grand Old Party’ no harm whatsoever.

Following Trump’s misogynistic remarks from 2005 coming to light this week, Pence moved quickly to condemn the words of his running mate and stated that he could not defend what had been said.

Posting on Twitter, he wrote:

“As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump in the eleven-year-old video released yesterday. I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them.

“We pray for his family and look forward to the opportunity he has to show what is in his heart when he goes before the nation tomorrow night.”

On the same day, high profile Republicans Arnold Schwarzenegger and John McCain both publicly stated that they could not support Trump in the forthcoming election, whilst Melania Trump said her husband’s comments were ‘unacceptable and offensive’.

But all that would pale into insignificance if the rumours that Pence is about to jump ship turn out to be true. The speculation is that the Indiana Governor may act in self-preservation, with a future Presidential bid of his own in mind.

The rumours have been fuelled by the fact that all of Pence’s previously listed public appearances have swiftly been removed from Donald Trump’s website. The reasons for this remain unclear, but the assumption is that something is afoot.

Could this indeed turn out to be a fatal blow to Trump’s Presidential hopes? The chances are we’ll know by Sunday evening/Monday morning, when ‘The Donald’ is due to face off with Clinton in a second televised debate.