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13th Oct 2016

Trump’s response to sexual assault accusations is to shame survivors everywhere

Trump fights back

Nooruddean Choudry

Let’s try to play devil’s advocate.

A number of women have gone public with various allegations that Donald Trump was sexually inappropriate towards them. And by ‘sexually inappropriate’ we mean he allegedly violated and humiliated them in a very physically intrusive manner.

Let us assume for a moment that someone who brags about acting inappropriately towards women didn’t act inappropriately towards women in these specific instances.

Let us also suppose that Trump’s claims that “no one has as much respect for women as I do” are a truer reflection of his attitudes than his notorious “grab them by the pussy” exclamation in 2005.

Even with all those caveats, the way he chose to react to the flurry of accusations against him at a campaign rally in West Palm Beach, Florida was incredibly offensive towards women in general, and specifically those subjected to abuse.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Trump suggested that the stories he calls “preposterous” and “ludicrous” are part of some greater conspiracy involving Hillary Clinton and pretty much the entire mainstream media to discredit and damage him.

He also argues that the stories about him are clearly false due to their timing. As if early or immediate complaints of abuse are the only ones worth proper consideration. This is of course complete and utter rubbish.

There are countless examples of legitimate witnesses coming forward and valid cases coming to light after an initial accusation has been made public. Often it is because the survivor feels that they can finally be taken seriously.

Aggressors often bank on their own wealth, status and influence over the word of less powerful individuals, who are often silenced by factors such as shame, embarrassment, potential ridicule, and the fear of expensive litigation.

Trump’s remarks about PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff were particularly unpleasant. She claims that he forced him himself upon her with a kiss on the lips during a 2005 interview, confidently informing her that they would have an affair.

“Why wasn’t it part of the story that appeared twelve years ago? Why wasn’t it part of the story…” he retorted on Thursday, before adding:

“Take a look, you look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I don’t think so.”

The clear suggestion being that Stoynoff’s appearance is evidence enough that he didn’t do what she alleges. A man who supposedly respects women, essentially arguing that a particular woman simply isn’t attractive enough to be sexually assaulted.

Not only is it an especially cruel thing to say, but it wilfully ignores the fact that such attacks are far more about power and control and entitlement than anything approaching attraction or sex.

It is about objectifying someone to the point that they become less than human. A thing to take and claim, because you can – because you can get away with it.

In terms of the various unproven allegations against his name, Trump is absolutely innocent unless proven guilty. But his comments on Thursday just confirm what we already knew – Donald Trump is a sexist pig.