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12th Nov 2016

Why Donald Trump is slowly beginning to win me round

He's not that bad really

Nooruddean Choudry

Whisper it, but he’s not that bad.

Prior to Donald Trump being elected as President-in-waiting, I must admit, I had severe doubts about him both as an individual and a potential world leader. In fact I found him repugnant, unqualified, vague, offensive, opportunistic and loathsome.

In hindsight, I feel a bit embarrassed for harbouring such ill-conceived opinions about a man who has already shown how magnanimous and Presidential he can be. I suppose on some level I was swayed by the liberal elite. And feminists.

Like them I was far too eager to discredit and condemn Trump as a sexist, racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, vindictive habitual liar with a God complex and non-existent CV for any form of public office, never mind Leader of the Free World.

But a few days is a long time in politics (and personal ethics), and I have belatedly come to realise that it was me who was harbouring unfair prejudices, and not the next POTUS. Thankfully, many of my fellow think-piecers seem to agree.

Concerns about how Trump repeatedly painted Mexicans as rapists, and Muslims as terrorists in order to garner support from the likes of the KKK were usurped by a remarkable acceptance speech in which he didn’t yell the N-word once.

His ability to not make reference to female journalists menstruating and resist the temptation of mocking someone with a physical disability for a whole ten minutes was inspiring. It taught me not to judge a book by its contents.

Then came the heart-warming meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House. The fact that Trump shook Obama’s hand and said nice things, instead of lynching him from the nearest tree completely changed my opinion of him.

What we need to do now is completely absolve Trump of any blame for the things he said and did to ensure victory in the most vicious and counter-productive election of modern times. It is a time for healing, and therefore zero accountability.

If you exercise your democratic right to protest, you are anti-democracy. If you reference misogyny, you need to change the record. Why not just lighten up a bit and enjoy the feel-good factor of a new Commander-In-Chief? It’s exciting!

All those allegations of alleged sexual assault on women – and a 13-year-old child – dissolve in my mind when I see delightful images of Ivanka Trump with her adorable kids. I mean, have seen how utterly gorgeous they are?! Bless.

Trump’s casual boasts of grabbing women by their genitals seem like a lifetime ago when I watch his glowing extended family on stage with him. It is clear that the twice-divorced reality star is a family man who will promote family values.

And so what if he cut off healthcare payments for his nephew with cerebral palsy, simply because his late brother had the temerity to dispute their father’s will (which Donald helped draw up whilst his dad was suffering from dementia)?

Ignore all that and focus on 10-year-old ‘first boy’ Barron’s facial expressions during Trump’s acceptance speech. What a Sleep McTiredface he was!  Mark my words – this family are set to entertain and enthral us with content for years.

If anything, last week was the time to express anything negative about ‘The Donald’. The news agenda has moved on, and our internal A/B testing amongst key demographics has taught us that we need to do more feel-good pieces now.

I for one intend to cast aside my misguided preconceptions and give the next President the benefit of the doubt. Like it or not, the Donald Trump white wash White House is a reality, and we (you) just need to get used to it.

As for all his poisonous rabble-rousing and incitement of hatred against minorities, it was merely to get him elected in the first place. It was only words and nothing more, so quit your bellyaching already. I mean, no harm done, right?