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07th Sep 2021

Body modifier who ‘inserted snowflake into woman’ admits to removing female genitals

Kieran Galpin

Brendan Leigh Russell has denied the charges

An Australian body modifier who admitted removing parts of a woman’s genitals has denied manslaughter and female genital mutilation.

Brendan Leigh Russell is facing trial over the death of a woman under whose skin he allegedly implanted a plastic snowflake.

The woman, who died of blood poisoning shortly after the body modification surgery in 2017, was allegedly told by Russell to visit him instead of going to hospital after she began complaining of pain.

NSW police say the 30-year-old client of Russell’s tattoo shop was later found dead in her Toowoon Bay home by her seven-year-old daughter.

The woman had a plastic snowflake implanted under the skin of her right hand in a surgical procedure performed by Russell three weeks prior. A postmortem examination revealed she died from a blood infection.

The 40-year-old tattoo artist admitted performing a ‘partial excision’ of a second woman’s labia, but denied claims that he used a ‘branding iron’ on another woman’s genitals in 2016.

Russell also denied charges of grievous bodily harm with intent filed by a woman upon whom he’s alleged to have performed a ‘tummy tuck’.

“By and large the complainant … consented to the excision of her labia by the accused,” Crown Prosecutor Chris Taylor said according to The Guardian.

“But you will see in the legislation that consent is no defence … so there is no issue regarding consent.”

Russell, who operated his tattooing and body modification business under the name BSlice DotCom, is due to face a four-week trial.

However, his lawyer has said that they will apply to vacate the trial unless it can be heard in person, with current Covid-19 restrictions in New South Wales mandating remote proceedings.

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