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29th Mar 2022

Mum ‘eaten by guilt’ after toddler drops out of window in Mother’s Day horror

Kieran Galpin

‘It’s so hard being a parent sometimes’

The mother whose toddler fell from a first-floor window the night before Mother’s Day has claimed the guilt is “eating her alive.”

On March 26, an 18-month-old climbed from his coat over his parents’ bed and over the headboard at a property in Temple View Terrace, according to reports from multiple outlets. He then fell from the first-floor window and onto the street below.

Mother Mikaela Chubb, of Richmond Hill, Leeds, spent the entirety of Mother’s Day in hospital alongside her son.

“It’s so hard being a parent sometimes,” she said, according to quotes listed in vairous publications.

Explaining why her child was able to fall out the window, she said: “The window is locked 99% of the time but due to the sunny weather, the room was aired out before baby’s nap.

“The lock clicked, leading us to believe it was locked. Apparently this one time it was not.”

Chubb says her boy is “doing okay”, following what she described as a “freak accident.”


While Chubb and her partner maintain that it was an accident, they “definitely” feel that it is their fault.

“Mother’s guilt is eating me alive right now and his dad” Chubb is reported to have said. “I can’t believe it’s Mother’s Day and we’re in hospital terrified what’s going to happen to our boy and to us! I really do try my very best to be the best mum for him.”

Police cordoned off the area for a few hours following the accident, which local resident Dawn Irving said such cordons are not an uncommon sight.

“It sounds awful but I thought it was something even worse than that,” she told Manchester Evening News via Mail Online. “Within the space of like two weeks a couple months ago, we had somebody glassed and somebody stabbed.”

She added: “When you see police, you think ‘it’s happened again’. It’s one of those because it’s so regular, it’s not shocking anymore. That’s kind of sad.”

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