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10th Mar 2021

Jameela Jamil says she almost killed herself because of Piers Morgan

Charlie Herbert

The actress described how Piers Morgan’s “lies and hatred” almost became too much for her

In a tweet posted on Tuesday in the aftermath of the announcement that Piers Morgan was leaving Good Morning Britain, Jameela Jamil said that she almost killed herself due to the behaviour of the TV host.

She wrote: ‘I almost killed myself because of Piers Morgan’s relentless campaign of lies and hatred against me last February.’

The actor, best known for her role as Tahini in the comedy series The Good Place, was referencing an exchange that her and Morgan had had last February in the aftermath of the tragic death of Caroline Flack, who was a friend of Jamil’s.

Morgan had released a text message in the aftermath of her death thought to be from Flack in which Jamil was mentioned.

In the conversation, the two discussed the criticism that Jamil had given to Flack’s new show The Sujury. In response, Jamil accused Morgan of “using a dead woman who I was friends with as a weapon to try to create further harassment for me.”

Replying to her tweet on Tuesday, several shared their own experiences dealing with Piers Morgan, and Jamil received overwhelming support.

One journalist, Amanda Knox, described how Piers had come after her “completely unprovoked” and that his followers were “relentless” and harassed her for several days.

Another responded to Jamil’s tweet saying: “The fact that they gave him a platform for so long is disgusting. Glad you’re in a better place today – the world is all the brighter with you in it.”

Revelations such as Jamil’s are a stark reminder of how, a year on from Caroline Flack’s suicide, social media and media personalities such as Piers Morgan can have a huge impact on the mental health of others, whether they realise it or not.
