Push back your next scheduled viewing of 300 because it might seem a tad familiar
Ubisoft have revealed a ton of information about Assassin’s Creed Odyssey at E3 in Los Angeles.
Out in October, the developer released the game’s setting, release date and exhibited an extensive amount of gameplay which, crucially, will include sailing and naval combat.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey players will have the ability to choose between male and female characters Alexios and Kassandra, who wield the spear of Leonidas as a weapon.

Older Assassin’s Creed features like free running, swimming and powering up are all present in the game, as well as the return of a skill system, loot and equipment.

During Ubisoft’s premiere of the game at E3, a lot of emphasis was placed on “story choices,” as dialogue options between Kassandra and Aristotle were played through.

Oh, and it looks absolutely gorgeous.
Here’s hoping excessively complicated systems and levelling up don’t overburden the gameplay of what looks to be one of 2018’s funnest games.